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Mises à jour mensuelles pour décembre 2023

18 déc.

Store and manage medical imaging data with Azure Data Lake Storage (Preview)


With the integration of Azure Data Lake Storage and the DICOM service, organizations can now enjoy full control over their imaging data and increased flexibility for accessing and working with that data through the Azure storage ecosystem and APIs.

  • Services
  • Features
5 déc.

General availability: Encryption with customer-managed keys in Azure Health Data Services


The ability to encrypt health data in the cloud with customer-managed keys using Azure Health Data Services is generally available.

  • Security
  • Features
4 déc.

Azure support plan offer extended to June 30, 2024


Disponibilité cible : Q1 2024

Beginning January 1, 2024, all new and renewing Azure customers who purchase an Enterprise Agreement (EA or EES) or are part of the field-led Microsoft Customer Agreement (MCA) will receive Azure Standard support. Qualifications for the promotion will end on June 30, 2024.

  • Services


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